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Ataraxi Oddities

Ethically sourced art, inspired by foraged items from local animals, plants, and insects-- along with any other interesting oddities and vintage objects I find out there in the great wide world.

Image by George Girnas

Health & Safety

I make it my mission to abide by all Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan animal parts laws when it comes to finding naturally-deceased animal remains from those respective states. They are carefully processed over a long period of time to preserve their natural longevity and beauty. For more info, feel free to check out the official Ataraxi Oddities site!


Art & Alterations

All materials and resources are processed with the utmost care and support possible, even when making permanent alterations such as burning, gluing, and painting. My art is not meant to make a mockery, instead enhancing the whimsy, wonder, and beauty of nature's creations.



I often collect local, natural materials to provide an ethical source for other creators and curators to do their work. This can be anything from dried local flora, interesting pebbles, or preserved animal remains that will not be incorporated into my own art. I love to see what others are inspired to create through these natural elements and strive to keep that creativity flowering for years to come!

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